Tag Archives: amazon

Amazon’s Post-Bubble Transition

In addition to being the largest internet retailer in the world, Amazon is also the world’s largest provider of cloud infrastructure services (IaaS). Needless to say, it is easy to forget Amazon’s humble beginnings as an online bookstore.

After the dotcom bubble burst, Amazon delved into a new business line that allowed third parties to leverage its existing platform and competencies. In this interview, Amazon’s John Rossman describes his role in developing the marketplace.

The Birth of Amazon’s 3rd Party Platform with John Rossman

John Rossman helped transform Amazon.com’s business. After the dotcom bubble burst, Amazon delved into a new business line that allowed third parties to do business off of Amazon’s platform, and make use of Amazon’s many competencies. In this Episode, John describes his role developing the Amazon 3rd party marketplace and gives us his perspective on what makes Amazon successful.